Friday, 12 February 2016


Hey guys! I know that I've been gone for a while, but now I'm back!

Wednesday, 23 December 2015


I just wanted to say that I'm probably not going to be posting something every da. I don't want to waste your time, so dont come here every day. Thanks... Nicole.

Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Thomas Brodie-Sangster's Jawline

Hey! If you have ever been around me, you'll know that I'm in love with TBS(Thomas Brodie-Sangster). Today, I am posting another reason why I love him.

The Maze Runner ---> The Flare

The Flare

The Flare (virus VC321xb47) is a man made disease. It is a virus that slowly eats away the brain, and eventually turns victims into blood thirsty and insane humans who consider cannibalism to be an every day objective. People who get the Flare are called Cranks. Every major city in the world (that has not been wiped away by the sun flares) has a special territory for cranks called the Crank Palace. The public are led to believe that it was freed from containment by the sun flares, but that is not the truth. It was once rumored that the sun flares caused a military container to burst, releasing the flare. However, it is revealed in The Death Cure's exclusive files, and The Kill Order that the governments of the world created and released it as a population control method. This is due to a need to control the general populace during the turbulent times of the sun flares, as well as to cut population, due to the destruction of food resources by the sun flares.

A small percentage of the populations were labelled "Immunes"- people who are not affected by the flare. WICKED attempted to use the Immunes to find a cure by looking at how the brain  of the Immune people react to certain situations , as well as the physical make-up of the brain of the Final Candidate. People immun to the flare include Thomas, Minho, Brenda, Jorge, and less than 1% of the Earths population. Most of the subjects are immune.

  • Newt
  • Jason
  • Winston (movie)
  • Group B member
  • Thomas' parents
  • Many other people across the globe

In the book, The Game of Lives (book three of the mortality doctrine), in the epilouge, James Dashner decribes the protagonist as a Flare infected Crank.


Crank Palaces are filled with people who have just arrived and are not past the Gone, and people who are crazy (past the Gone who are trying to eat them up).


it has already come to the point where I don't know what to blog, and I've had this blog for almost 4 days. 4 FREAKING DAYS! if you guys have any suggestions for topics, then just comment them down below and I'll be sure to post something of the nature.

Thanks guys!


Monday, 21 December 2015

My Bucket List (in progress)

Today, I am going to be writing up my bucket list. Here it is! (I'm still adding and the ones crossed out are the ones that I have already completed(DUH!))

  1. backyard tent camping with a friend
  2. make and eat homemade ice cream
  3. homemade slip n' slide
  4. microwave smores
  5. go fishing
  6. go star gazing
  7. tie dye shirts
  8. yogurt popsicles
  9. play laser tag
  10. go camping
  11. visit a strawberry farm
  12. confetti fireworks
  13. make play-doh
  14. have a 3-legged race
  15. make a movie
  16. homemade applesauce
  17. play messy twister
  18. go to a free concert
  19. go rock climbing
  20. try archery
  21. solve the rubix cube myself
  22. write a travel journal
  23. witness a sunset or sunrise at any mountain
  24. become a vegetarian for at least a month
  25. be the reason someone is alive
  26. live to see a cure for cancer
  27. visit a planetarium
  28. take cool pictures
  29. get married
  30. live in NYC
  31. put gum on the Seattle gum wall
  32. see the Northern Lights
  33. go on a cruise
  34. write and publish a book
  35. wear a shirt that says "life" and hand out lemons
  36. learn a new language
  37. add a lock to lovers bridge in France
  38. cross the Equator
  39. cross the US in only a car
  40. go to Disney Land Paris
  41. have $10,000 in savings
  42. win the lottery
  43. attend a gay pride event
  44. adopt a funny accent for the day
  45. build a snowman taller than me
  46. fill up and entire colouring book
  47. find a stick bug
  48. appear in a YouTube video with over 1M views
  49. build a bed
  50. cover a song on Youtube
  51. cover my ceiling in glow in the dark stars

My Portfolio

Hi! I'm Nicole, and today I'm going to write a short biography about myself.

NAME: Nicole Hyland
AGE: 12
SEX: Female
